The Kitty's Catfish Café
¤ **Goblin | Mist | Ward 20 | Plot 44 ** ¤
(Central Mist Subdivision Aetheryte)Open Mondays, 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. (EST)
Welcome to S'oun - the Kitty herself - and her husband Kasandri's passion project for a warm, welcoming social spot.Come get comfortable with a cup of tea, and the company of a Namazu - or four!

《 About Us 》
The Kitty's Catfish Café - affectionately known as "Kittyfish" - had meager beginnings, first taking root in a bright-eyed Miqo'te's cramped apartment. Even after upgrading to a roomier location and blossoming into a successful venue within the La Noscean Mist, it's never lost its heart - nor forgotten its original purpose: providing a welcoming atmosphere for all crowds while serving fresh homemade meals, drinks, and desserts.Making people happy makes us happy! Let us know what we can do to make your day brighter.Click on the icons below to learn more about us!
《 NEW! gpose raffles! 》
NEW! For 5000 gil per entry, you can type /random 20, and if you hit 20 you'll have access to a simple photoshoot a la S'oun! You can see examples here!¤ One "shoot" will be taken of one character, aka the same pose from multiple angles, without any third party additions outside of shaders.
¤ If you desire multiple characters or anything more complex, feel free to discuss with S'oun!
For 5000 gil a "ticket", you can test your luck with our raffle of the day for a chance to win special prizes! Each day, we'll have a randomly selected number that we'll state in advance in the chat.Multiple "tickets" may be purchased! After purchasing your ticket(s), just type /random in the chat to roll!If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask S'oun.¤ If you roll within 200 of the designated goal, you can make one selection from any item on our menu!
¤ If you roll within 20, you'll receive our Second Prize!
¤ If you roll within 5, you'll receive the Grand Prize!
¤ Rolled outside any of the winning numbers? You'll still get some orange juice, so you won't leave empty handed¤ Consolation Prize | a choice from any of our delicious menu items¤ Second Prize Options | a choice from a selection of metallic, pastel, and dark dyes! Name a color, we'll likely have it. (excludes pure white/black, brass)¤ Grand Prize Options | 1 million gil!Note: At this point after the latest expansion, what we've offered in the past has become unpredictable on the market board. But we'd still like to offer something special. Have something in mind? We can discuss possibilities!

Called "Sid" by his adoptive parents, Kas and S'oun, this soft spoken young man is often found hosting patrons at the café. He has friendly disposition, even if he's a bit timid. He is quite large, even for an Au Ra, and is self-conscious of his intimidating appearance.Favorite Menu Item: Doman Tea
《 S'oun Pinh 》

Founder of the café, greeter, server, all around people pleaser. She has a lively personality and nothing makes her happier than brightening people's days. Namazu inexplicably seem to follow her around and give her crystals.Her mother, the grizzled Keeper Behsa "Mama" Pinh, guards the front of the cafe, and even helps with some of the cooking.Favorite Menu Item: Mama's traditional stew
《 Kasandri Shai'moltal 》

S'oun's husband, a grade A twink, and the heart of the kitchen. Despite being a flirty goofball, Kas takes his job very seriously, hand-picking nearly every ingredient and ensuring that each tasty treat is baked to perfection. He can almost always be found livening up the kitchen by dancing and singing along with the café jukebox.Need an omnicrafter? If you have the materials, he has the skill! If you need something made, just send him a tell and give him the mats; he'll make it on the spot, no charge.Favorite Menu Item: Ginger Shortbread Cookies
《 Rian Warsong 》

This boisterous, motormouth of a Highlander decided to help out at the café on a whim despite being a regular. They absolutely love chatting up patrons to the point of being woefully unfocused as a waiter; but perhaps that’s their charm point? After all, nothing matters more to Rian than the happiness of others! Even if it does means stubbornly goading a shy customer into socializing all night, or dragging people outside for an impromptu sparring session...Favorite Menu Item: Triple Cream Coffee

《 Sera'li Zhinsa 》

A young server prone to both tears and anger at the drop of a hat. His incredibly nervous demeanor aside, Sera’li works hard to prove himself to both staff and customers. A little bit of praise goes a long way for this Miqo’te, but he’ll do his best no matter what! Often attempts to hide behind the other staff, even if it doesn’t quite work.Favorite Menu Item: Chamomile Tea

《 Rondo Vlasch 》

A gentle giant, eager to make new friends.Doesn't like being called by his last name.
《 Buttercup 》

La creatura.

Any and every XIV NPC is welcomed! Spoiler characters are allowed, just don't give too many details out for those who've yet to catch up.As the poster says, no mogstation items are allowed for those entering the competition. This includes hair, weapons, and clothing/armor.
Get creative! Go nuts!
Whether it's an important main character, or some servant in an ARR area. As long as someone recognizes you, that's what matters.
Paid minions MIGHT be allowed as an accessory. Simply ask a staff member, just in case.-9 pm EST: Doors open
10:45 pm: Entries are closed. Directions for contestants will be announced at this time, at the latest.
11 pm: Judging begins-Judging criteria
-Resemblance of NPC
-Presentation (give your name, maybe some dialogue, maybe some acting. Have fun with it!)-Contest prizes
1st: Mog station item of your choice, capped at $18
2nd: Mog station item of your choice, capped at $7
3rd: 250k gil-
Raffles and more!
Our menu will be open as with any other café night. Be sure to ask a staff member (with the melding materia icon) for a menu!Several group raffles using /random will be played intermittently through open hours. No payment is needed to roll, but we do appreciate donations (think of it as an honor system, but without the guilt.) Raffle prizes include several fashion coffers, hairstyles, and more to be announced!

We're technically a couple weeks late, but this Monday will be our...
We'll have a bunch of games and goodies for everyone! Mounts, minions, hair, emotes, fancy dyes, and even custom poses and face paints?! We got it all!
10 PM EST: Doors Open!
Throughout the night we'll be asking random MSQ and lore trivia questions for prizes; they'll be mostly spoiler-free, so please stick around!We'll be also holding a scavenger hunt, with the first to find all the plushes of a certain good boy netting the biggest prize!And of course, our usual raffle is open as well ♪

And to those who don't roleplay or may be feeling shy, don't worry! While we are normally an RP venue and may respond in character during the event, it isn't a requirement tonight. Between our social butterflies and wallflowers, all are welcome! ♡
¤ **Goblin | Mist | Ward 20 | Plot 44 ** ¤
(Central Mist Subdivision Aetheryte)We hope to see you there!